Network activities


  • “The feminist love studies network and love as feminist method” Theme 1: “Collaborative Conversations.” Congress 2019. Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Feministes Association Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 4 June., 2019
  • Ina Schaum and Minna-Kriistina Roukonen-Engler organized a workshop with Dr. Kathy Davis on the topic “Ambivalent Emotions in Qualitative Research”.  This workshop is part of a research program (“Love, Emotions and Intimacies”) they conduct at the Goethe University in Germany
  • Ann Ferguson gave two talks in Argentina.  One, for academic researchers, called “US Feminism under Trump”  in the Interdisciplinay Center for Gender Studies at the UBA (University of Buenos Aires). The second one was a popular talk sponsored by a feminist anthropology research group called “Antropología del Cuerpo”, and a political feminist group called Maleza. The talk she presented was called “Neoliberalismo, Amor y Patriarcado, Izquierda y Feminismp.